Dịch tiếng anh chuyên nghành ô tô
altimeter n. instrument showing height above sea level: Dụng cụ đo độ cao (so với mặt nước biển)
alumina n. form of aluminium oxide used as substrate for ceramic catalysts: alumin (một dạng của nhôm oxit được sử dụng như chất xúc tác cho vật liệu gốm).
alumina beads = tiny beads of alumina used in some catalytic converters: Bột nhôm cho bộ xúc tác
aluminium (AL) or US n. silvery lightweight metallic element resistant to corrosion: Nhôm
aluminium alloy = metal containing aluminium mixed with another metal or metals: Hợp kim nhôm
aluminium wheel= alloy wheel: Bánh xe hợp kim nhôm
aluminized a. coated with aluminium or aluminium paint: Phủ nhôm
aluminium n. US = ALUMINIUM: Nhôm
ambient air n. air outside and surrounding the vehicle: Không khí bên ngoài
ambient temperature n. outside temperature: Nhiệt độ môi trường
ambient temperature switch = switch which delays compressor action in an air-conditioning system when the outside temperature is low: Cảm biến nhiệt độ môi trường
ambulance n. vehicle designed for for carrying sick or injured people: Xe cấp cứu.
ammeter n. instrument for measuring (in amperes) the electrical current flow in a circuit: Ampe kế
amp = AMPERE
amperage (rating) n. strength of an electric current in amperes, used e.g. for making fuses: Độ lớn, cường độ dòng điện.
ampere n. the basic unit for measuring electric current, usually abbreviated to amp: Đơn vị đo cường độ dòng điện viết tắc là amp.
ampere-hour (a.h.) n. unit of the quantity of electricity flowing in one hour through a conductor carrying a current of 1 ampere:
Điện lượng của một dòng điện 1 ampere chạy qua vật dẫn trong 1 giờ a 36 a.h. battery = a battery with a capacity of 36 ampere-hours: Dung lượng của ắc quy là 36 a.h
ampere-hour capacity = quantity of electricity which a battery can deliver under given conditions such as temperature, rate of discharge, and final voltage, depending on the number of plates used: Dung lượng của một ắc quy (tính bằng ampere/giờ).
amplifier n. device used to produce a larger electrical signal, as to amplify sound signals in radios, etc.: Thiết bị khuếch đại
ignition amplifier = device used to increase the electrical signal in an electronic ignition system: Bộ khuếch đại tín hiệu đánh lửa (IC đánh lửa)
amplitude modulation (AM) n. form of radio transmission in which the frequency of the carrier wave is uncharged, but its amplitude varies in accordance with the input signal: Sóng AM trong radio
analogue cluster n. instrument panel display using dials and numbers: Bảng đồng hồ, tableau kim (NOTE: opposite is electronic cluster)
anchorage n. fixing point for a seat belt , seat or other stress-bearing item which is not part of the structure: Sự cố định, sự định vị.
anchor bolt n. = THROUGH BOLT: Bu-lông định vị, bu-lông chốt
ancillaries n. components placed close to or fitted on the engine, such as alternator, power steering pump, supercharger, fuel pump and water pump, and driven by the engine: Các thiết bị phụ trên động cơ
aneroid-type thermostat n. thermostat consist of a metallic bellows partially filled with acetone, alcohol or similar volatile liquid: Van hằng nhiệt loại khí áp
angle grinder n. power tool (either electric or driven by compressed air) with abrasive discs, especially for removing old paintwork and smoothing the surface prior to spraying: Máy mài góc
angle-nose pliers n. pliers with jaws having a right-angle bend, for gripping e.g. items in a recess, etc.: Kềm mũi vuông.
angle of lock n. angle between the line through the centre of a wheel seen from above when taking a corner and the same line when going straight: Góc lái giới hạn.
angle parking n. parking at an angle to the pavement or parking line: Góc đậu xe. (NOTE: also called echelon parking) angle screwdriver n. screwdriver usually having two blades at either end, both at right
angles to the shank: Tuốc nơ vít chữ Z
angular motion n. = ROTATION: Sự xoay vòng, quay anneal v. to treat (a metal, alloy, or glass) with heat and then cool it to remove internal stress and to make the material less brittle: Tôi (thép)
annealing furnace n. oven or furnace with the controllable atmosphere in which metal, an alloy, or glass is annealed: Lò tôi annular a. in the form of a ring: Hình vòng, hình khuyên.
annular gap = circular gap: Khe hở vòng.
annulus (gear) n. hollow gear-wheel in the form of a ring with either internal teeth, as in epicyclic or planetary transmissions, or external teeth: Vòng răng.
anode n. the positive electrode in an electrolytic cell: Cực dương. anodic coating or film or oxide layer n. protective, decorative, or functional coating, formed in an anodizing process: Màng (lớp) oxít ở cực dương.
anodize v. to deposit a hard, non-corroding oxide layer on (aluminium or light alloy): Lớp oxít hóa anốt.
anodizing n. process by which a hard, non-corroding oxide layer is deposit on aluminium or light alloys: Oxít hóa anốt.
anodizing bath or tank = tank in which the anodising process is performed: Bồn oxít hóa anốt.
ANS = ANTI-NOISE SYSTEM: Hệ thống giảm thanh
ANSI (short for) American National Standard Institute: Viện tiêu chuẩn quốc gia Hoa Kỳ
antenna n. US aerial: Anten
anti-chip coating n. resilient intermediate coat between the primer and the topcoat, applies to protect the body shell from chip-ping damage caused by gravel or stones: Lớp sơn lót chống trầy anti-chipping primer or filler = a resilient primer protecting the paintwork from chipping caused by gravel or stones: Lớp sơn lót chống trầy
anti-corrosion a. combating and protecting against corrosion, especially rust: Chống ăn mòn
anti-corrosion warranty = a warranty, usually limited to corrosion damage, valid for an average of 6 years: Giấy bảo hành không bị ăn mòn
anti-corrosive a. inhibiting corrosion: Hạn chế sự ăn mòn
anti-dazzle mirror n. = DIPPING MIRROR: Gương chống chói.
anti-dive (system) n. front suspension arrangement that converts the downward force in the suspension links cause by braking into a vertical force that tends to lift the body, thus reducing dive under braking: Hệ thống chống chúi đầu xe.
anti-drum compound n. sticky material, usually based on bitumen or rubber, applied to the inside of panels to reduce noise due to vibration or ‘druming ’: Vật liệu chống rung
antifreeze n. chemical, such as ethylene glycol, added to the cooling water of an engine to lower its freezing point: Chất chống đông.
antifriction bearing n. any bearing supporting its load on rolling surfaces, such as balls, rollers or needles, to minimize friction: Bạc lót giảm ma sát.
anti-knock additive or agent n. petrol additive preventing
premature ignition (i.e. knocking or pinking ) of the mixture in the combustion chamber, e.g. tetraethyl lead or tetramethyl lead: Chất chống kích nổ.
anti-knock index n. measure of the antiknock properties of the petrol, particularly in north american, where it is defined as half the sum of the research octane number and motor octane number: Chỉ số chống kích nổ.
anti-rattle spring n. = SPREADER SPRING: Lò xo chống sốc.
anti-roll bar n. steel torsion bar running across the car as part of the front and, less frequently, rear suspension layout and used to reduce body roll during cornering: Thanh chống xoắn.
anti-rust treatment n. treatment of iron and steel, i.e. using sealant, for the purpose of corrosion protection: Sự chống rỉ sét. (NOTE: also called rustproofing) anti-skid braking system (AS- BS) n. = ANTI-LOCK (BRAKING) SYSTEM: Hệ thống phanh chống trượt
anti-spin regulation (ASR) n. control or prevention of wheel spin under power, normally by means of electronic sensing and in conjunction with anti-lock braking: Sự điều khiển lực kéo.
anti-squat system n. rear suspension arrangement that converts the downward force cause by acceleration into a vertical force that tends to lift the rear body, thus reducing ‘squat’ under acceleration: Hệ thống nâng đuôi xe khi tăng tốc
anti-squeal shim n. shim places behind the brake piston (or behind the brake pad in disc brakes) to reduce squeal: Miếng đệm chống ồn khi phanh
anti-sway bar n. US = ANTI-ROLL BAR: Thanh chống lắc (đảo) xe
anti-thief (security) system n. either an alarm system, or an additional locking device (especially for the steering wheel), or an electric circuit immobilizing the car by disconnecting the start and /or ignition: Hệ thống chống trộm
anti-vibration mounting n. flexible (typically rubber) mounting for an engine, gearbox or another mechanical item, that reduces the amount of noise and vibration passed from the item in question to the chassis: Giá (khung) chống rung.
anvil n. heavy iron block on which something is placed for forging: Cái đe
A-pillar or A-post n. upright member in front of the front door, a major structural part of the body frame: Trụ đơ khung cửa phía cửa trước.
application n. use to which something is put : sự đặt vào, sự tra vào.
applicator n. tool for putting something onto a surface, such as spreader for filler: Dụng cụ rắc, trét
apply v. to put (something) on (to something): Đặt lên
apron n. panel extending downwards, typically forming a skirt along the side of the car or an air dam at the front: Tấm chắn bùn.
AQL (short for ) acceptable quality level: Mức chất lượng có thể chấp nhận.
aquaplaning n. loss of contact between the tyre and a wet road when it rides up on a layer of surface water: Sự trượt trên đường ướt
aqueous solution n. water-based solution: Dung dịch nền.
arbor n. rotating shaft or spindle in a machine tool on which, for example, a grinding wheel or piece for machining is fitted: Trục chính, đầu lắp
arc v. to jump across a gap, especially of an electric current forming a discharge: Hồ quang điện.
arcing n. (a) sparking and discharge at the contact breaker points in the distributor, a cause of premature wear of the points: Sự phóng tia lửa trên vít lửa
(b) faulty spraying technique where the spray gun is not moved along the panel surface at a uniform distance, but is moved towards the panel when starting and is moved away again towards the end of the panel ; this results in an uneven thickness of paint being applied: Sơn không đều
arc welding n. welding process widely used for do it yourself repairs (as the required equipment is fairly cheap) in which the welding current is generated by a transformer, and the circuit is closed when the electrode held in the welding rod holder touches the metal surface ;the electrode burns off as the rod holder is moved along: Hàn hồ quang điện
armature n. coil or coils of wire around a metal core in which electric current is induced in a generator, or in which the input current interacts with a magnetic field to produce torque in a motor: Phần ứng
armature brake n. mechanical or electrical component in a starter used to stop armature movement after the starter motor has been switched off: Cơ cấu hãm trục phần ứng
armature shaft n. shaft on which the armature is mounted in a starter or generator: Trục (lõi) phần ứng.
armour-plated a. made bullet-proof, e.g. with extra-thick body panels and glass: Bọc thép
articulated a. made in two separate sections, with a joint or coupling between them; especially of commercial vehicles consisting of a tractor or towing unit and a trailer, having a swivelling coupling giving better manoeuvrability: Khớp nối, bản lề.
articulated bus = bus in two sections, usually a single-decker, with passenger accommodation in both sections: Xe buýt hai khoang
asbestos-free a. Không có amiăng
ASC see ANTI-SPIN REGULATION ascending stroke n. = UP-STROKE:
kỳ đi lên.
ASD=AUTOMATIC SLIP-CONTROL DIFERENTIAL: Vi sai tự động kiểm soát trượt
aspect ratio n. ratio between the height and the width (e.g. of a tyre): Tỉ số giữ chiều cao và chiều rộng lốp xe.
aspiration n. sucking in of the air/ fuel mixture or breathing process of an internal combustion engine: Sự hút (hỗn hợp hòa khí)
aspirator valve n. check valve in air induction systems: Van hút.
ASR = ANTI-SPIN REGULATION: Hệ thống ổn định xe
assemble v. to put together or build up (something) from a number of parts: Lắp ráp.
assembled crankshaft = build up crankshaft: Trục khuỷu được ráp từ nhiều đoạn
assembly n. the process or result of putting together a number of components: Sự lắp ráp, quá trình lắp ráp
assembly line = production line where a vehicle is progressively built up from its individual
components: Dây chuyền lắp ráp
asymmetric(al) a not having parts that correspond, not uniform
(especially in distribution): Không đối xứng.
asymmetric power distribution or split = transmitting more power to the front or rear wheels in a four wheel drive: Sự phân phối công suất không đối xứng
asymmetric beam = a headlight beam which has greater intensity on one side than the other: Chùm ánh sáng không đối xứng
asymmetric rim = wheel rim where the well is located outside the centreline of the wheel: Niềng xe không đối xứng (NOTE: opposite is symmetric rim)
ATC = AUTOMATIC TEMPERA-TURE CONTROL: Điều khiển nhiệt độ tự động
ATDC (short for ) After Top Dead Center: Sau điểm chết trên
ATE = AUTOMATIC TEST EQUIPMENT: Thiết bị kiểm tra tự động
atmospheric corrosion n. gradual destruction or alteration of metals or alloys by contact with substance present in the atmosphere, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapour, and sulphur and chlorine compounds: Sự ăn mòn hóa học trong không khí
atmospheric pressure n. pressure exerted by the atmosphere at the earth’s surface: Ap suất khí quyển
atomize n. to produce a fine spray, e.g. of paint: Sự tán nhuyễn, phun.
atomizer n. device for producing a fine spray e.g. on a spray gun: Cơ cấu làm mịn tia phun (sơn)
atomizing pressure n. pressure needed to atomize a liquid such as a paint: Ap suất tán nhuyễn (sơn)
atramentizing n. corrosion protection process in which steel is coated with phosphate using a zinc phosphate solution at 900C: Phủ kẽm
attachment n. a fitting or accessory to be used in conjunction with a tool such as a grinding disc for use with an electric drill: Đồ gá
attack n. example of corrosion or another damaging, especially chemical, action: Sự tác động.
attenuation n. reduction, especially of noise or emissions: Sự cắt giảm ô nhiễm hoặc tiếng ồn
authorized dealer n. firm selling and servicing a particular make of vehicle, appointed by the manufacture: Đại lý ủy quyền
auto 1 n. & a. = AUTOMATIC n. :Tự động
2 US = AUTOMOBILE: Ôtô, xe hơi
auto bonnet = car cap: Capô ôtô
autochoke n. = AUTOMATIC CHOKE: Cánh bướm gió tự động.
autoclave n. sealable high-pressure container used for polymerisation and in tyre production: Nồi hấp (trong công nghiệp nhựa và lốp xe)
automatic n. colloquial short form for automatic transmission, or a car with automatic transmission: Từ viết tắt để chỉ hộp số tự động hoặc xe có hộp số tự động
automatic air conditioning (system) = air-conditioning system which automatically maintains a preset temperature: Hệ thống điều hòa không khí tự động
automatic air recirculation (control) system = heating and ventilation subsystem which automatically switch to the recirculation mode when the pollutant levels of the air inside the vehicle exceed certain levels (e.g. in rush-hour nose-to-tail traffic), but after a certain period of recirculation (typically after 3 minutes), opens the intake air doors again to let some fresh air in, even if its quality is still questionable: Hệ thống tuần hoàn không khí tự động.
automatic choke = device in the carburetor intake which positions the choke valve automatically in accordance with engine temperature or time:
Bướm gió tự động
automatic closing system = system which automatically closes doors windows and sunroof: Hệ thống đóng cửa tự động
automatic frequency control = automatic retuning of stations on the FM waveband when subject to drift: Dò đài FM tự động
automatic gearbox = gearbox in an automatic transmission system which changes gear automatically: Hộp số tự động.
automatic level control or levelling system = suspension system that automatically adjusts front and rear ride heights to compensate for changes in axle loads; this can either be achieved by adding air absorbers to a conventional suspension system, or by incorporating the system in a sophisticated pneumatic or hydropneumatic suspension system: Điều khiển độ cứng hệ thống treo tự động.
automatic muting = car radio circuit which automatically cancels noise output during tuning: Mạch trong radio tự động loại bỏ nhiễu khi dò đài
automatic seat belt = INERTIA REEL SEAT BELT: Đai an toàn tự động.
automatic slip-control differential (ASD) = electronically controlled,
automatic locking differential developed by Mercedes-Benz: Cơ cấu khóa vi sai tự động.
automatic speed control = cruise control: Điều khiển ga tự động.
automatic temperature control (ATC) = device for maintaining a constant temperature in the vehicle interior: Thiết bị điều khiển nhiệt độ tự động (điều hòa) automatic test equipment
(ATE) = usually electronic equipment for testing ignition, wiring, fuel injection systems, etc: Thiết bị kiểm tra tự động.
automatic transmission n.the transmission which changes the gear ratio without assistance from the driver and without interruption power flows, the changes \being governed by factors such as engine load and vehicle road speed (although the driver usually has a \manual override): Hộp số tự động
automatic transmission fluid (ATF) = special oil used in automatic transmissions: Dầu hộp số tự động.
automatic volume control (AVC) n. car ratio circuit which automatically adjusts the volume to the noise level in the car: Sự điều chỉnh âm lượng tự động.
automic wear adjuster n. device that compensates
automatically for wear, e.g. in the brakes or clutch: Cơ cấu điều chỉnh độ mòn tự động (phanh, ly hợp)
automatic wire stripper n. wire striper that automatically adjusts to the size of the wire to be stripped and removes the insulation without damaging the wires inside: Kìm tuốt dây tự động.
automobile n. dated or formal word for motor car in British english, but still widely used in american english: Xe hơi, ôtô.
automobile association = major motoring organization, specially the automobile association (AA) in great British and the american automobile association (AAA): Hiệp hội ôtô. automobile engineering = automotive engineering: Kỹ thuật ôtô
automobile industry = motor industry: Công nghiệp ôtô.
automobile manufacture = motor manufacture: Nhà sản xuất ôtô.
automobile mechanic = motor mechanic: Thợ sửa chữa ôtô.
automobile polish = car polish: Sự đánh bóng ôtô.
automotive a. relating to or occurring in motor vehicles: Thuộc về ôtô, trong ôtô
automotive adhesive = adhesive used in the manufacture of motor vehicles: Keo sử dụng trong sản xuất ôtô
automotive electronics = applications of modern electronics to the motor vehicles: Điện tử ôtô.
automotive electrician = electrician working on and designing systems for motor vehicles: Thợ điện ôtô.
automotive emissions = all types of release into the atmosphere from motor vehicles, including exhaust gas, fuel and crankcase fumes, and noise: Chất thải ôtô.
automotive engineering = the design and construction of motor vehicles: Kỹ thuật (công nghệ) ôtô
automotive tool = tool for use in the construction or repair of motor vehicles: Dụng cụ sửa chữa ôtô (đồ nghề)
AUX = AUXILIARY: Thiết bị phụ, phụ tùng. (NOTE: an abbreviation often used to label fused)
auxiliary a. additional, upplementary: Thiết bị phụ.
auxiliary brake lights = additional brake lights mounted at eye level in the rear window to reduce the risk of being run into from behind: Đèn phanh phụ.
auxiliary drive shaft = secondary drive shaft driving for example, the fuel or water pumps or distributor: Bán trục phụ
auxiliary driving lamp = lamp suplementing the light from the headlamps, such as a fog lamp or spot lamp: Đèn lái phụ.
auxiliary gearbox = extra gearbox used in conjunction with the main (manual) gearbox to provide an additional range of speeds: Hộp số phụ.
auxiliary leaf = helper leaf (in a leaf spring): Lá nhíp phụ
average 1 n. mean value or rate: Tỷ lệ trung bình (giá trị trung bình).
2 v. to achieve a certain mean value or rate: Đạt giá trị trung bình.
3 a. found by calculating the mean value or rate: Giá trị trung bình
average speed or fuel consumption = the distance covered divided by the time taken or the fuel used: Tốc độ trung bình (mức tiêu thụ nhiên liệu trung bình).
aviation fuel n. fuel suitable for aircraft: Nhiên liệu cho máy bay. awl n. tool with a sharp point and a
fluted blade for piercing holes: Cái dùi.
awning n. roof of canvas or similar material stretched out from e.g. a caravan for protection from the sun and rain: Mái che, mui xe.
axis n. centreline about which a body can or could rotate, or which divides a figure into two symmetrical parts: Trục (quay)
axle n. transverse bar, tube, shaft or beam which carries wheels at their end: Trục, vi sai (cầu xe).
axle casing = external, basically tubular housing containing the differential and half-shafts and with bearings at either end for the hubs: Vỏ vi sai. axle housing = AXLE
CASING: Vỏ cầu xe (vi sai).
axle load = AXLE WEIGHT:
Tải trọng cầu xe.
axle stand = tripod which is adjustable for height and used for supporting the vehicle for longer jobs: Con đội chết 3 chân
axle tramp = rocking or oscillation of an axle under heavy acceleration or braking due to inadequate damping: Sự rung động của cầu khi tăng tốc hoặc phanh
axle tube = that part of the axle casing enclosing the half-shaft, or the tube forming a tubular rigid axle: Vỏ cầu (vi sai) phần bán trục
axle weight = that part of the weight of a vehicle resting on the wheels of an axle: Tải trọng cầu xe.
axle drive n. final drive:Truyền động cuối cùng.
axle shaft n. short shaft connecting the differential and the drive shaft on each side in an independent suspension layout: Bán trục cầu xe.
Babbitt metal n. alloy of tin, copper antimony, and lead still occasionally used for bearing surfaces: Hợp kim chống mài
mòn trong bề mặt bạc lót
baby seat n. seat for babies weighing up to about 20lbs, normally installed facing backwards on the front seat and allowing a half upright seating position: Ghế dành
cho trẻ em
BAC = Blood Alcohol Content: Nồng
độ cồn trong máu.
back axle n. rear axle, usually on a
four wheel vehicle: Cầu sau.
back axle ratio = FINAL DRIVE RATIO: Tỉ số truyền động cuối cùng.
backbone chassis n. chassis based on a single central spine carrying or containing the drive train, the body shell being mounted on outriggers: Khung chính
backfire 1 n. explosion either at the wrong time in the cylinder, or of unburnt or only partly burnt mixture in the exhaust system, causing a loud bang: Tiếng nổ ở ống thãi
2 v. to make a loud bang as a result of unburnt or only partly burnt mixture exploding in the exhaust system or in the cylinder: Gây ra tiếng nổ lớn ở pô
backlash n. excessive play in a mechanical system such as gears or linkages, due to looseness or flexing: Khoảng chết, khe hở.
backing light n. US = REAR WINDOW: Kính sau.
US backing heater or defogging system = heated rear window: Kính sưởi, hệ thống xông kính.
back panel n. = REAR PANEL: Tân sau xe
backplate n. fixed heavy-gauge metal plate attached to the suspension and carrying the brake shoes and brake operating mechanism of a drum brake, or the plate carrying the brake pad in a disc brake: Mâm phanh (NOTE: US - English is backing plate)
back pressure n. any pressure holding back the flow of the gases in an exhaust system: Áp suất ngược của khí thải
backrest n. back of a seat: Lưng ghế
back up v. US = REVERSING: De xe, lùi xe.
back up alarm n. US reverse warning signal: Kèn báo lùi xe. back-up light n. US = REVERSING LIGHT: Đèn lùi xe.
back-voltage n. voltage which opposes the current when the current in an inductive circuit changes and the magnetic fields cuts the conductors: Điện áp ngược.
self-induction back-voltage = back-voltage produced by self-induction; this induced electro-motive force opposes the change in current and enhancing it if the current is decreasing: Điện áp ngược tự cảm.
badge n. typically, the maker’s logo in coloured enamel on chrome plate but can also be letters or symbols indicating a particular type or model, such as V-12, 16V, fiesta, etc.: Biểu tượng, huy hiệu.
baffle (plate) n. usually transverse steel plate reducing the flow or motion of gases or liquids, e.g. in a silencer, in the sump of an engine or in a fuel tank: Tấm chắn (giảm dòng chảy)
bake v. to dry or cure (a paint or other finish) using heat: Nung, sấy.
bakelite n. proprietary, hard, brittle plastic used in the early days of plastic engineering, esp. for electrical parts because of its good insulating properties: Nhựa cách điện, nhựa bakêlit.
balance 1 n. state in which weight is evenly distributed: Sự cân bằng.
2 v. to fix weights, e.g. to the rim of a wheel or to a crankshaft in order to correct weight distribution and thus reduce vibration: Làm cân bằng.
balance crankshaft = crankshaft with extended webs to form counterbalances or a vibration damper: Trục khuỷu đã được cân bằng động (nhờ đối trọng)
balanced engine = engine in which all reciprocating parts such as pistons and connecting rods are adjusted to exactly the same weight: Động cơ đã cân bằng
balance control n. knob or slide control which adjusts the level of the left and right speakers of a stereo system: Nút cân bằng âm thanh giữa loa trái và phải.
balance disc n. balance device in centrifugal pumps, in the front of a disc fitted to the pump shaft, which lifts when a force is generated on the underside of the disc, leaking pressure until the axial forces are balanced: Đĩa cân bằng (bơm ly tâm)
balance pipe n. in a twin carburetor layout, a pipe joining the inlet tracts or choke tubes of the two carburetors to even out differences in flow: Ống cân bằng (bộ chế hòa khí).
balance shaft n. additional rotating shaft in the crankcase fitted with counterweights, esp. in single and twin cylinder engines, to reduce vibration: Trục cân bằng.
balance weight n. small lead weight fitted to the wheel rim to restore wheel balance: Miếng chì bấm niềng xe
balancer n. wheel balancer: Thiết bị cân bằng bánh xe.
balancing n. adjustment of incorrect and uneven weight distribution: Điều chỉnh để cân bằng động.
balancing weight = balance weight
bald tyre n. tyre on which the tread is completely worn away: Lốp xe quá mòn
balk ring n. =baulk ring: Vòng cản ball n. (a) spherical part, e.g. in a ball bearing or a ball socket joint: Bi
(b) = TOWBALL: Khớp nối cầu.
ball and nut steering n. = recirculating ball steering: Hệ thống lái kiểu bi tuần hoàn
ball and socket (joint) n. = ball joint: Khớp cầu.
ballast ignition system n. ignition system incorporating a ballast resistor connected in series with the coil primary winding and bypassed when the starter is operated, ensuring improved cold starting performance and spark efficiency: Hệ thống đánh lửa có điện trở phụ.
ballast resistor = resister in which the resistance increase as the current passing through it increases, use in motor vehicles to control the output from the coil at high engine speeds and provide a better spark for starting: Điện trở phụ.
ball bearing n. most common type of antifriction bearing, comprising two rings or races between which hardened steel balls run in tracks, and able to absorb both axial and radial loads: Bạc đạn bi, vòng bi, ổ bi
ball bearing puller = puller for removing ball bearings that sit on a shaft and in a housing: Cảo ổ bi (bạc đạn)
ball cage n. circular frame which holds the balls in place in a ball bearing: Vòng (rế) bi.
ball end hexagon screwdriver n. screwdriver with a ball type hexagon tip allowing it to be used at an angle of up to 300 from the screw head: Tua nơ vít đầu lục
giác có vòng bi.
ball joint n. mechanical coupling in which ball on the end of one part moves freely within a recessed spherical socket in the end of another, often used in suspension and steering linkages: Khớp cầu.
ball joint separator = tool for forcing out ball or tapered joints, either in the from of the simple fork with wedge-shaped jaw which is struck with a hammer to separate the joint,or a tool using direct pressure from a screw–activated lever action to split the joint: Thiết bị tháo khớp cầu.
ball peen hammer n. hammer with a head having one flat and one rounded end: Búa đầu tròn.
ball socket n. recessed spherical socket for receiving the ball in a ball joint: Hốc cầu.
ball valve n. non-return valve comprising a recessed spherical seating into which a ball fits to cover a hole, closing if the flow of liquid is reversed: Van bi cầu (một chiều)
bal res = BALLAST RESISTOR: Điện trở phụ.
band brake n. brake consisting of a steel band with a friction lining passing round a drum, which contracts and grips the drum, when the brake is applied: Đai phanh (phanh)
bandwidth n. range of audio frequencies an audio component such as a car stereo can handle: Băng tần (radio).
banger n. (informal) old, cheap and well-worn car, which may however still be serviceable: Ôtô cũ
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