Tiếng anh chuyên nghành cơ khí

Tác giả: Vu Hoang Long Ngày đăng: 17/05/2021

centreline n. imaginary straight line passing through the centre of, e.g. a vehicle, from front to rear: Đường tâm.
centre locking disc  n.  = HUB
CAP: Nắp tròn đậy trục bánh xe.
centre lock nut =    SPINNER: Đai ốc khoá chính.
centre of gravity n. point about with a weight of a body with act or pivot: Trọng tâm.
centre pillar    n. =B-PILLAR: Cột trụ trung tâm.
centre punch n. tool with a sharp conical steel tip for punching an indentation where a hole is tube drilled: Mũi đột dấu.
centre section damage  n. type of frame damage where the car is hit from the side approximately in the middle, causing the centre part of the car around the b-pillar to move inwards so that, seen from the  top,  the  frame  is  no  longer straight, but appears curved like a banana: Sự phá hủy phần giữa xe. centre  terminal   n.  spring– loaded carbon pin or carbon brush contact in the centre of the distributor cap acting and on forming contact with the rotor: Cực trung tâm (than nắp delco).
centrifugal    advance n. Automatic mechanical ignition advance by mechanism inside the distributor, controlled by centrifugal force supplies by advance weights which trunk the distributor cam via yokes to advance the spark: Cơ cấu đánh lửa sớm ly tâm.
centrifugal clutch n. clutch in which the friction elements are brought in contact with the clutch face by centrifugal force again the friction plate as the clutch turns faster: Bộ ly hợp ly tâm.
centrifugal force n. force with pushes a body outwards that is rotating about a centre: Lực ly tâm.
centrifugal governor n. device controlling speed by means of centrifugal force in automatic transmissions and other applications: Bộ điều tốc ly tâm.

centrifugal oil filter n. filter in which suspended solids are removed from the oil by centrifugal force created by spinning the oil at high speed in the rotating element: Lọc dầu kiểu ly tâm. centrifugal pump n. impeller pump in which  the  liquid is forced, by either atmospheric or     other pressure,  into  a  set  off  rotating vanes constituting    an impeller: Bơm ly tâm.    
Centrifugal weight    n. weight  in governor  or  other     controlling  device with is thrown outwards by centrifugal force as speed increase and thus causes a control rod to be moved or pressure to be exerted: Trọng lượng ly tâm, quả văng.
ceramic honeycomb n. interior of a monolithic converter which supports the catalyst: Giá đỡ kiểu tổ ong trong bộ hoá khử.
cetane rating or number n. measure of the ignition quality of diesel fuel, or how high a temperature is required to ignite it (the lower the CFCS change cetane number, the higher the temperature required): Chỉ số xêtan.
CFCS     or CFC    gases    n. = CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS: Khí làm lạnh (có hại cho tầng ozone)
cfm  (short of ) cubic feet per minute = ft3/min.
chafer(strip) n. area between the bead and sidewall of a tyre: Vùng hông bánh xe (vè). chafing n. wearing away by rubbing: Mòn vì cọ xát.
chain n. series of flexibly connected links formed into a loop so that it can be passed over sprockets whose teeth engage in the spaces between the links, in order to transmit motion: Xích, sên
chain case n. metal causing completely enclosing a drive chain and its sprockets: Hộp xích.
chain drive = form of transmission using a chain passing over sprockets: Truyền động xích. (NOTE: chain drive is still the most common form of transmission on motorcycles)
chain filter wrench = chain wrench whose chain passed round and grips the body of an oil filter: Cái mở lọc nhớt dùng xích.

chain guard = inverted L-section metal guard placed usually over the upper run of a chain: Vòm bảo vệ xích.
chain pipe wrench = chain wrench whose chain passes round and grips a pipe: Cái mở ống bằng xích.
chain hoist = hoist for heavy object such as engines consisting of a chain and a block and tackle: Cần trục xích.
chain run = section of a drive chain that runs between the sprockets: Bước xích.
chain tensioner = component usually comprising a spring steel strip pressing on the chain, used mainly on four-stroke engines with
a chain-driven camshaft and responsible for maintaining the proper chain tension: Bộ căng xích.
chain    wrench = tool  for loosening and tightening round or irregularly    shapes objects, having chain which is passed around the object, and lever or key which at the same time tightens and the chain and turns the object: Khóa xích dùng để siết, nới các vật tròn.
chamber n. combustion chamber of a rotary piston engine, particularly where non-cylindrical, as in a Wankel engine: Buồng cháy
chamfered a. with a symmetrically beveled surface on an edge or corner: Vạt cạnh, mặt vạt.
chamois leather n. piece of soft bleached leather from sheep, goats, etc. used especially for drying paintwork, chrome and glass after washing: Da thú dùng lau khô xe. (NOTE: also called informally shammy leather)
change  1  v. (a) to select and engage a gear: Chuyển, sang (số). (NOTE: also more fully to change gear)
change-speed gearbox charging current (NOTE: US English is to shift gear) 
to change up or down = to engage a higher or lower gear: Sang số cao hay số thấp.
to change into second or top = to engage second or top gear: Chuyển sang số hai hay số cao nhất.
(b) to take away and put something new or different in its place: Thay thế
2 n. engage of another gear: Sự sang số.
change-speed gearbox n. gearbox containing sets of gears which can moved in and out of different ratios between the speeds of the input and output shaft: Hộp số nhiều cấp.
change valve n. valve use to change gear in an automatic gearbox, operated by rising oil pressure at the vehicle speed up: Van sang số. (NOTE: US English is shift valve) Chapman strut n. form of McPherson strut used in the rear suspension of some car chapman: Hệ thống treo sau kiểu Chapman. characteristic map n. usually three- dimensional representation of several interdependent quantities, in most of which engine speed and load correspond to the x- and y-axes, and the third quantity, which depends on the first two, is measured against the z- axis: Bản đồ đặc tính động cơ (nạp vào ROM của ECU).
charcoal canister n. = activated carbon canister: Bầu lọc than hoạt tính.
charge 1 n. (a) amount of air/ fuel mixture supplied to the cylinder that is available for combustion: Nạp.
(b)    definite quantity of electricity, such as that contained in a storage battery: Điện lượng.
2 v. to supply electrical charge to (a battery): Nạp điện vào bình điện.
charge air n. air in the air/ fuel mixture: Sự nạp không khí.
charge air cooling = INTERCOOLING: Làm mát không khí nạp (trong động cơ tăng áp).
charge air recycling (system) = device on some turbocharger systems which serves to maintain the speed of the compressor while no boost is being delivered, so that boost is more instantly available on demand: Hệ thống tuần hoàn khí nạp trong hệ thống tăng áp.
charge changing or exchange process n. removal of exhaust port an admission of a fresh charge through the transfer port in a two-stroke engine: Quá trình quét và nạp khí trong động cơ hai thì.
charger n. = BATTERY CHARGER: Máy nạp bình.
charger characteristic n. charger characteristic showing the dependence of the current on the voltage during charge: Đặc tính nạp.
charging current n. electric current supplies to the battery when the charging system is operative: Dòng điện sạc (nạp).
 charging efficiency check charging efficiency    n. figure
indicated the mass of charge retained in the cylinder of a two-stroke engine after the ports close, divided by the actual swept volume: Hiệu suất nạp.
charging piston    n.    Additional piston formerly fitted to some two- stroke engines, design to precompress the fresh charge and to supply it at excess pressure into the engine cylinders: Nạp không khí bằng piston (hai kỳ). 
charging point n. = battery
charging station: Trạm sạc bình. charging  pressure    n.    = BOOST  PRESSURE:  Áp suất tăng áp
charging rate n amount of current, usually in    amperes, delivered by the charging system: Mức sạc điện (dòng tối đa của hệ thống nạp).
Charging stroke n.    = INDUCTION STROKE: Thì nạp. chassis n. originally, and today still in heavy goods vehicles, a separate structure consisting of a frame, springs and axles forming the lower part of a vehicle, to which the bodywork is fitted, but with modern unitary construction there is no separate chassis and the term is used to refer to the running gear, i.e. suspension, including control arms, spring, shock     absorbers     steering component, etc.: Khung gầm ôtô. chassis  bracket  set  =  set  of brackets to be welded under sill prior to straightening the accident damage  when  the  standard  sill panel does not have a jointing flange: Giá đỡ để hàn khung
chassis dynamometer = test stand for a complete car to determine, for example, its emission characteristics under a set of defined driving conditions: Băng thử công suất ô tô.

chassis frame = frame usually consisting of two longitudinal side members joined by a member of cross-members, to which the suspension and axles are attached, in goods vehicles and formerly in cars: Khung sườn xe.
chassis number = formerly the manufacturer’s number identifying a vehicle: Số khung xe. (NOTE: now called vehicle identification number)
chassis section = box or channel section forming part of the chassis: Bộ phận khung xe.
chatter v. to move jerkily especially at high speed, making only irregular contact: Rung động ở tốc độ cao.
check 1 n. inspection to see whether something is all right: Sự kiểm tra.
an engine oil level check = looking at the dipstick to see if there is enough oil in the sump: Kiểm tra mực dầu động cơ.
2 v. to inspect (something) to see whether it is all right: kiểm tra.
Check the plugs, and replace if necessary = take the sparking plugs out and see whether they are in good condition, if not fit new ones: Kiểm tra bougie nếu hư thì thay thế.
check ball chromate check ball n. ball in a ball-type check valve: Bi trong van một chiều
check engine warning light n. light which indicates a malfunction of the engine system: Đèn báo kiểm tra động cơ.
check point n. (a) particular point on a piece of equipment where it is possible to check if there is any malfunction: Điểm kiểm tra.
(b)    place on a road where vehicles are stopped, e.g. at a frontier or on a rally: Trạm kiểm tra.
check routine n. series of checks to be made when tracing a fault or when inspecting a new vehicle at the factory: Lộ trình kiểm tra xe mới ráp.
check valve    n.    (a) non-return valve permitting flow in one direction only, widely used in emission control systems: Van một chiều.
(b)    residual pressure valve in a brake master cylinder: Van áp suất dư trong xy lanh cái của hệ thống phanh.
chemical brightening or polishing    n. improvement of surface smoothness of a metal by immersion in a suitable solution: Sự làm bóng bằng dung dịch hóa học.
chemical toilet n. portable toilet for use in caravans or when camping: Nhà vệ sinh trong xe nhà lưu động.
childproof lock n. lock on rear doors which when activated prevents the door from being opened from inside the car: Khoá chống mở cửa sau
child restraint system n. general term for child seats and accessories, often used at a synonym for child seat: Ghế trẻ em
child seat n. combination of a seat shell, a belt system and / or an impact cushion, especially suited for children of the age groups 1 and 2: Ghế dành cho trẻ em.
chip v. (of stones) to cause damage to (paintwork) in the form of small pits: Làm bong vùng sơn nhỏ.
chipping n. damage to paintwork in the form of small pits cause by stones being thrown against it: Làm hư sơn do đá văng.
chisel n. simple steel tool with a sharpen end used with a hammer to cut through metal and other materials: Cái đục.
chlorofluorocarbons n. gaseous compounds used especially as propellants for aerosol cans and in refrigerants: Khí CFC (NOTE: usually called CFCs)
chock    n. = WHEEL CHOCK: Cái lót trục bánh xe.
choke n. (i) device which restricts the amount of air entering the carburetor in order to enrich the mixture when starting the engine and running cold: Bướm gió. (ii) choke knob: Nút kéo bướm gió.
choke control = system for actuating a non-automatic choke, usually a cable with a knob on the fascia: Sự điều khiển bướm gió.
choked = (a) (of engine) running with the choke in operation: Động cơ hoạt động với bướm gió hoạt động
 choke knob    chunking (b) clogged: Bướm gió kẹt
choke knob = knob on the fascia for operating the choke: Núm kéo bướm gió.
choke tube = CARBURETOR VENTURI: Họng khuếch tán.
choke valve = valve restricting the amount of air or liquid admitted especially on a carburettor: Van gió chop shop n. us workshop or factory specializes in replacing the standard steel roof of cars or pick-up trucks with a convertible top: Xưởng làm mui xe.
chromate 1 n. salt or ester of chromic acid, often used as pigment: Crômat.
2    v. to treat with a solution of a chromium compound to produce a protective coating of metal chromate: Mạ crôm.
chromate (conversion) coating = conversion coating produced by chromating: Phủ crôm.
chromate treatment = treatment of metal with a solution of a chromium compound to produce a protective coating of metal chromate: Quá trình xử lí bằng mạ crôm.
(NOTE: not to be confused with chroming)
chromatize v. = CHROMATE chrome 1 n. = CHROMIUM
2. to plate with chromium: Mạ crôm.
chrome-hardened = (of steel) hardened by the addition of chromium: Làm cứng thép bằng cách thêm crôm chrome-plated  or chromed  = CHROMIUM-PLATED: Mạ crôm.
chrome steel = steel containing chromium  for  extra  hardness  an rust resistance: Inox (thép crôm). chrome   work   =  all   the chromium-plated  items  on  a  car body: Các chi tiết mạ crôm trên xe.
chromic acid n. electrolyte used in anodising processed for producing non-transparent, non-metallic oxide layers: Axit crômic (dung dịch mạ).
chromium n. hard grey metallic element used in electroplating and in steel production for extra hardness and rust resistance: Crôm (Cr).
chromium-plated = coated with a thin layer of chromium by electro deposition for protection against corrosion, also with a thicker layer for wear resistance: Được mạ crôm.
chromium-plating = process of coating metal with a layer of chromium and also the result: Lớp mạ crôm.
satin chromium plating = chromium plating with a soft matt sheen: Lớp mạ crôm mịn.
chromium steel = CHROME STEEL
chubby screwdriver n. screwdriver with a very short handle and blade for use in confined spaces: Tua vít cực nhỏ.
chunking n. breaking away of pieces of the tread of a tyre: Sự mất gai
CI clamp vỏ.
Sự cháy bằng cách nén (Diesel).
(b) = COIL IGNITION (SYSTEM): Cuộn dây đánh lửa, bôbin.
CIH (short of) camshaft in head: Trục cam đặt trên nắp máy.
CIH engine = type of overhead valve (OHV) engine with the camshaft enclosed in, not on top of, the cylinder head: Động cơ với trục cam đặt trên nắp máy. (NOTE: not to be with an overhead camshaft (OHC) engine)
CIM  (short  of) Computer-integrated manufacturing: Hệ thống sản xuất điều khiển bằng máy tính.
circlip    n retaining ring in the form of an incomplete circle and made of spring steel, often with eyes either side of the gap so that it  can    be opened  for removal: Vòng chặn, cái phe. (NOTE: US English is snap ring) circlip plies = special plies with jaw tips coming to point so that they can engage in the eyes of the circlip in order to expand it for removal: Kềm mở phe
circuit n. (a) course forming a complete loop over which races are held: Chu vi.
(b)    series of electrical connections forming a complete path for the current to flow through: Mạch điện.
circuit breaker = protective device which can be reset; it breaks an electric circuit to prevent damage when the circuit is overloaded or overheated by excess current flow: Bộ ngắt điện dùng để bảo vệ.
circuit diagram = diagram showing the complete wiring system of a vehicle: Sơ đồ mạch điện.
circuit tester = tool often similar in appearance to a screwdriver, with a light in the handle and a crocodile clip which can be attached to a suitable earth while the point touches the part or the wire which is to be tested; if the light comes on, the circuit is live at that point: Dụng cụ kiểm tra mạch điện (bằng đèn).
circular headlamp n. tradition shape of headlamp as opposed to the modern rectangular headlamp: Đèn pha kiểu hình tròn. circulating pump n. centrifugal pump designed to generate forced circulation of a liquid in a closed system, e.g. a water pump in an internal combustion engine: Bơm tuần hoàn.
CIS = CONTINUOUS INJECTION SYSTEM: Hệ thống phun xăng liên tục kiểu K-jetronic.
Citizens’ band see CB RADIO
city car n. very compact car; usually 10-12 feet in length: Xe hơi loại nhỏ.
city cycle n. = URBAN CYCLE CL (short of) comfort luxe, denoting a model more luxurious than ‘L’ but not  as  grand  as  ‘GL’:  Kiểu  xe sang  trọng  nhưng  không  bằng kiểu GL.
clamp n. fastening which holds an item or items in its jaws by strong pressure: Cái kẹp clamping load    click-type torque wrench
clamping load n. pressure on the plates in a clutch or coupling: Tải trọng ép.
class a-thread n. = EXTERNAL THREAD: Ren ngoài.
class b-thread n. = INTERNAL THREAD: Ren trong.

classic car n. specially applies to cars of the postwar era up to about 1970 or even 1980, but also used as a general term for all old cars: Xe hơi cổ
a classic car meeting = a meeting to which enthusiasts bring their old cars to look at them and discuss them, often with a competition to decide which is the smartest (a concours): Ngày hội của người chơi xe cổ.
restoration of classic cars = putting old cars back as near as possible into as new condition: Sự tân trang xe hơi cổ
classified (ad) n. small advertisement in a newspaper or magazine, usually put in by a private person, e.g. with a car for sale: Mục rao vặt (bán xe).
claw hammer n. hammer with two curved prongs at the back of the head for extracting nails, etc.: Búa nhổ đinh.
clay model n. mock-up of a new design made before an actual prototype is built: Mô hình mẫu xe mới bằng đất sét.
clean oil n. fresh engine oil supplied to engine from a container: Dầu sạch từ bình chứa.
clean oil lubrication = lubrication system in which clean engine oil is supplied directly to the lubrication points of engine, as in some two-stroke engines: Sự bôi trơn bằng dầu sạch.
clearance  n.  gap between two parts: Khe hở piston clearance = gap between the piston and the cylinder: Khe hở giữa piston và xylanh.
valve clearance = gap between the top of the valve stem and the tappet when the valve is closed and the tappet is not pressing on it: Khe hở xúpáp.
clearance height n. (a) = ground clearance: Khoảng cách gầm xe với mặt đất.
(b) maximum height of a vehicle such that it can pass under a bridge or similar obstruction: Khoảng sáng gầm xe.
clearance (market) lamp  n.
lamp mounted on the roof of vans, lorries and other large vehicles at the left-hand and the right-hand corners to show the maximum height and width of the vehicle: Đèn báo chiều cao và bề rộng xe.
clearance volume n. space remaining above the piston of an engine when it is at top dead centre: Thể tích buồng đốt.
clear coat or lacquer n. top coat of base and clear systems: Làm sạch lớp sơn ngoài.
click-type torque wrench    n. torque
wrench design to apply predetermined torque, to which it is preset, automatically releasing once the setting is reached; the release action is normally accompanied by an audible click and/ or visible signal: Cần siết lực
climate control cloth upholstery tự động(báo hiệu khi siết đủ lực). climate control   n. lever or similar that controls the heater and/ or air-conditioning system:  Điều  khiển khí hậu (kiểm soát đồng thời sưởi và điều hòa nhiệt độ).
climate control system = combined heating and air-conditioning system: Hệ thống điều hoà nhiệt độ tự động.
climatic chamber n. test chamber which can reproduce extremes of temperature and humidity, as well as artificial ultraviolet rays: Buồng khí hậu nhân tạo (để thử nghiệm).
climbing ability n. performance when climbing steep gradient: Khả năng leo dốc.
clip-on weight n. small lead weight used to balance a wheel by clipping it onto the rim opposite a heavy spot of the tyre/ wheel assembly: Miếng chì bấm vào bánh xe.
clock 1 n. (a) instrument showing time: Đồng hồ báo giờ.
(b)    (informal) = odometer or speedometer: Đồng hồ đo quãng đường tổng hoặc tốc độ xe.
2 v. to record (a speed or time), or to time (a car): Ghi lại tốc độ hay thời gian.
clocking n. putting back the mileage on a car’s odometer, so that it shows a lower mileage than the car has in fact done (an illegal practice): Trả ngược chỉ số km.
c/locking = central locking: Khóa cửa trung tâm.
clockwise ad. in the same direction as the hands of a clock: Cùng chiều kim đồng hồ.
clog v. to become obstructed with debris, sludge or other matter: Làm tắc nghẽn.
close coils n. coils at the end of a spring which are closer together: Phần cuối lò xo.
closed loop n. chain of control in which feedback, usually from a sensor or sensors, is used to regulate mixture strength, dwell angle and other engine functions by electronic means: Chế độ điều khiển vòng kín (hồi tiếp).
close–loop    control = electronic
control system using feedback to maintain correct mixture strength, etc.: Chế độ điều khiển kín (dùng cảm biến oxi)
close-ratio gearbox   n.  gearbox in which  there  is  relatively  little difference between the gear ratios, so that fast changes can be made: Hộp số có sự chênh lệch tỉ số truyền nhỏ.
closing cam/ rocker n. cam/ rocker which is used to close the valve   in desmodromic valve operation;    unlike     conventional valve control systems, in which the valves  are  closed  by  the  valve spring:  Các  cam/  cò  dùng  để
đóng supáp                
closing force n. Force necessary for closing the valves, provide by the valve spring: Lực đóng van (lực lò xo)     closing panel n. panel that covers   a   gap   in   the   body framework: Tấm bít (thân xe) cloth   upholstery    n.    upholstery
covered in a fabric as opposed to cluster gear clutch release vinyl or leather: Nệm bằng vải cluster gear n. lay shaft and/or the set of gears mounted on it: Cụm trục và bánh răng
clutch n. mechanism for connecting or disconnecting the drive between two shafts while they are rotating or at rest, placed between the engine and gearbox in vehicles with manual transmission, and usually mounted on the flywheel: Bộ ly hợp.
clutch aligning set n. selection of different tools used to align the clutch plate with the flywheel, usually containing a shaft, pilot bearing adapters, and tapered universal sleeves: Bộ dụng cụ để cân ly hợp.
clutch aligning tool = special tool, either in the form of a bar or a disc, with the aid of which clutch plate and flywheel can be precisely aligned on single disc clutches: Dụng cụ cân ly hợp.
clutch brake n. device for slowing down the clutch plate and hence the gears on the input shaft in order to enable faster and quieter engagement of gears: Phanh ly hợp.
clutch cable n. operating cable from the clutch pedal to the clutch release lever: Cáp ly hợp.
clutch cover n. bowl-shaped cover house the rotating elements of a friction clutch, anchors the clutch spring(s), and is normally attached to the flywheel: Nắp (bầu) ly hợp.
clutch disc n. US = CLUTCH PLATE: Đĩa ly hợp.
clutch drag n. failure of the clutch to disengage completely when the pedal is depressed, with the result that gear changes become difficult as the driven plate and input shaft continue to rotate: Sự trượt ly hợp.
clutch facing n. = CLUTCH LINING
clutch fork n. clutch release lever with a forked end which presses on the release bearing to disengage the clutch: Cần nhả ly hợp (dạng nỉa)
clutch housing n. = BELT HOUSING: Vỏ bộ ly hợp và bánh đà.
clutch    judder    n. Faulty condition in which the clutch does not take up smoothly but judders during engagement: Sự rung lắc ly hợp.
clutch lining n. ring of friction material on the clutch plate: Bề mặt đĩa ma sát ly hợp
clutch  pedal    n. pedal which operates the clutch usually either mechanically via a cable,    or hydraulically: Bàn đạp ly hợp.

clutch plate n. part of the clutch assembly which carries the clutch lining and is squeezed between the flywheel and pressure plate when the pedal is released, thus transmitting power to the gearbox input shaft: Đĩa ly hợp. (NOTE: US English is clutch disc) clutch   release   or   thrust bearing   n.   bearing  (usually a roller bearing) that can be moved by the release lever through clutch pedal action to disengage the drive
clutch release lever coarse pitch from    the engine to the transmission: Bạc đạn đẩy ly hợp. (NOTE: US English is throw out bearing)
clutch release lever = lever one end of which presses on the clutch release bearing, the other being
actuated mechanically or hydraulically by the clutch pedal: Cần đẩy ly hợp.
(NOTE: US English is throw out fork, lever)
clutch shaft    n. short gearbox input  shaft,    rotating  at  engine speed  and  coaxial  with  but  not connected to the main shaft, which transmits power from the clutch to the gearbox: Trục bộ ly hợp.
clutch    slip n. Incomplete engagement    of a clutch,  so that not  all  the    drive    torque is transmitted  even when the clutch pedal is fully released and the driven plate does not rotate as fast as the flywheel, engine speed increase but road speed open does not: Sự trượt ly hợp.
clutch spring n. one of the coil springs (generally mounted in the clutch cover) which press the pressure plate against the driven clutch plate to transmit the drive: Lò xo ly hợp.
clutch stop n. = CLUTCH BRAKE
C-matic transmission n. trade name for a semi-automatic transmission developed by Citroen: Hộp số bán tự động.
CNG = COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS: Khí thiên nhiên nén

coach n. a single-deck bus, usually with a luxurious specification, for carrying passenger over long distances, either from city to city regular schedules or in groups on tours: Xe khách đường dài.
coach bolt n. bolt with a mushroom head underneath which it has a square neck which holds it in a matching square recess, e.g. in wood, so that a spanner is only needed for the nut: Bu lông chìm.
coachbuilder n. firm specializing in the production of special bodies for motor vehicles: Nhà chuyên sản xuất thân xe.
coach construction = vehicle layout incorporating a separate chassis frame which serves as a carrier of all drive train and suspension parts, the vehicle body itself not forming an integral structural part of the vehicle: Cấu trúc tổng thành
coach lining n. thin, precisely contoured lines, especially along the whole side of the vehicle, also an motorcycle tanks, the most common colours being gold and black: Đường viền chính.
coachwork    n.  =  bodywork: Thân xe.
coarse(-cut) file = file for the rapid removal of large amounts of material in a first rough shaping stage: Cái giũa thô. (NOTE: opposite is smooth file) coarse pitch n. construction of a gear or screw thread with relatively wide gaps between the teeth or threads: Răng hoặc ren thô.

coarse-thread    =  screw thread with relatively wide gaps between the  threads, and hence  fewer threads  for  a  given  length  of screw: Bước ren thô v. to run without any drive being transmitted to the wheels, either in neutral  or  with  the  clutch  out:
Chạy bằng quán tính (khi đạp ly hợp) coat 1   n. layer of material, usually applied  in  liquid form,  cover  a surface: Lớp, màng. v.  to apply a layer of usually
liquid material: phủ (sơn) coating    n.    (a)    action applying a layer of material to a
surface: Sự tạo màng.    n.  tap or shut-off valve controlling the flow of water: Cái
vòi nước.            
cockpit n. area comprising the driver’s seat  and all  instruments and controls especially in a racing car: Buồng lái.  coefficient of friction n. ratio of the force needed to slide  one
surface over another to the force preventing the motion: Hệ số ma sát.                
cog n. (informal ) gear: Bánh răng

cog-swapping =    gear changing: Sự sang số.            
cogged belt n. toothed belt: Đai răng.                
coil n. (a) device for generating high tension voltage    consisting primary and    secondary    windings around  a  laminated  iron  core: Cuộn dây (bôbin đánh lửa(NOTE: also called ignition coil)

(b)   FIELD  COIL/  WINDING: Cuộn dây kích từ

coil chimney    n. = COIL TOWER    

coil coating n. process of coating continuous  metal  strips  with  an organic    finishing    system    for decoration  and  protection:  Dán đường viền.                    
coil    ignition    (CI)    (system)    n. inductive ignition system with    an ignition  coil  which  stores  the primary current from the battery and steps it up to ignition (high tension) voltage,  which  is  then transferred to the sparking plugs via the distributor and HT (high tension) leads in the engine firing order:  Hệ  thống  đánh  lửa  điện cảm.

coil lead n. HT lead form the coil to the distributor : dây phin (cao áp). (NOTE: US English is coil wire)

coil spring  n. spiral of spring steel  wire,  used  in  suspension  systems and clutches and as valve springs: Lò xo cuộn (xoắn). coil spring clutch  =    clutch in which a ring of coil springs hold the pressure plate in position: Ly hợp loại lò xo cuộn.        
coil    spring    compressor    = spring compressor: thiết bị nén lò xo

coil tower n. top of the standard type of ignition coil in which the socket for the ht  lead  to  the distributor is found,    projecting upwards: Đầu thứ cấp của bôbin.
coil wire n. US = COIL LEAD

coke    n. CARBON: Than cốc.     coked up    a.    covered with a thick carbon deposit: Đóng muội than dày     

corrosion of the inside of exhaust systems by direct chemical attack resulting from an acidic, aqueous solution that condenses from the exhaust gas at the cooler rear portions of the exhaust systems: Sự ăn mòn do ngưng tụ ở pô.

cold cranking ability n. criterion for assessing the performance of a battery based on its ability to supply the considerable amount of current need to turn the engine when cold: Khả năng khởi động lạnh.

cold galvanizing n. galvanizing with zinc-rich paint or similar, or by electroplating with zinc: Sự mạ kẽm nguội.

cold sparking plug n. sparking plug with a short insulator nose, which absorbs less heat and dissipates heat quickly: Bougie nguội (lạnh)

cold spraying n. spraying method in which the paint is diluted with so much solvent evaporating after painting: Phương pháp phun sơn với nhiều dung môi

cold starting n. starting the engine from cold: Khởi động lạnh.
cold start enrichment n. increasing the fuel content of the air /fuel mixture to compensate for condensation losses in the intake system when the engine is cold: Sự làm giàu hỗn hợp khi khởi động lạnh.

cold start injector n. device in fuel injection systems which injects additional fuel during starter operation when the engine is cold, working in much the same way as a choke on a carburettor: Kim phun khởi động lạnh.

collapsible    spare    tire    n.    US    = SPACE SAVING SPARE WHEEL: Vỏ xe dự trữ.

collapsible steering column n. steering column designed to fold or telescope in a case of frontal impact: Trục tay lái xếp .

collar n. (a) washer fitted under the head of a bolt or screw: Vòng đệm.

(b)    raised area on a shaft to hold it in position, usually against a bearing: Phần nhô của trục phía gắn ổ bi

collector’s car n. usually older car which is value to collectors: Xe của người sưu tập.

collet n. removable collar fitting in a groove to hold, for example, the valve spring on the stem: Vòng giữ (lò xo súpáp)

colour chart n. booklet containing details of paint name; codes and samples of exact colours, for the customer to choose from: Cataloge màu

colour coat n. coat of paint which has desired final colour, often but not always the top coat (in the case of two-pack finishes a clear lacquer is applied on top of it): lớp sơn cuối.

colour–coded a. (a) finished in the same colour as the main part of the bodywork: Trùng màu với thân xe

(NOTE: also called colour-keyed or colour-matched)
(b)    (of  wiring,  etc.)  finished  in
colour scheme  commutator different colours to aid recognition: Ky hiệu màu dây.

colour scheme n. combination of colours, on the outside or inside of the vehicle: Tổ hợp màu trong và ngoài thân xe

column (gear) change n. gear change mechanism in which the gear lever is on the steering column, just below the steering wheel: Cơ cấu sang số trên vô lăng.

(NOTE: also called column shift especially in the USA)

combination pliers n. typical general purpose pliers with serrated jaws, an oval recess and a wire cutter, in the USA they also have a slip joint so that the jaws can be opened wider: Kìm đa năng.

combination spanner n. spanner with a ring spanner at one end and an open end of the same size at the other: Chìa khóa vòng miệng.

combination valve n. pressure regulating valve in braking systems incorporating a failure warning switch and comprising two or more of the fowling valves;
pressure differential valve, metering valve, proportioning valve: Van tổ hợp (hệ thống phanh)

combustion n.extremely rapid (but not explosive) burning of the air/ fuel mixture timed to occur when the piston is at the top of its stroke, so that it is forced down to turn the crankshaft: Sự cháy.

combustion chamber = space between the top of the piston and the cylinder head, in which the air/ fuel mixture is burned: Buồng cháy.

combustion chamber recess = area when combustion occurs in a rotary piston engine: Vùng cháy trong động cơ Wankel.

combustion pressure = pressure created during the combustion of the air/ fuel mixture in the cylinder, measure in pounds per square inch: Áp suất của quá trình cháy.

combustion residue(s) = carbon and other deposits resulting from combustion: Sản phẩm bám lại khi cháy.

CO    meter n. device for checking exhaust gas for carbon monoxide, a high lever of which indicates an over-rich mixture as well as causing pollution: Thiết bị đo khí CO.

comet head n. head with a swirl chamber for indirect injection diesel engines: Nắp máy với buồng xoáy lốc.

comfort (C) n. fairly basic car model specification: Xe loại tiện nghi.

Comfort Luxe (CL) = slightly more luxurious specification than comfort: Tiện nghi và sang trọng. commercial  vehicle  =  vehicle  for carrying goods or large number of passenger  for  money:  Xe  kinh doanh   (chở hàng hoặc hành khách)

commutator n. series of copper bars at one end of the dynamo or starter motor armature, electrically insulated from one an other by mica: Cổ góp điện.
compact car    comprehension insurance compact car n. american car category with a length of 14 ft 5 ins -17 ft and taking five passengers: Xe hơi loại nhỏ 5 chỗ.

company car n. car provided by an employer for an employee’s business or private use: Xe công ty.

company logo n. emblem forming the whole or part of a company’s trademark: Biểu tượng của công ty.

compass (display) n. instrument with a magnetized needle which always point to the magnetic north: La bàn.

compensating jet n. jet in a fixed jet carburetor which supplies other extra air or extra fuel to maintain the correct mixture strength: Gíclơ phụ.

compensation port n. small hole in the wall of the tandem master cylinder with connect the brake fluid reservoir to the pressure chamber: Lỗ bù (phanh)

compensator n. horizontal bar which is pulled forward when the handbrake is applies at its central point, which is pivoted, while it is connected, at each end to the handbrake cable, enabling equal force to be exerted on each rear brake: Thanh cân bằng trong phanh tay.

competition car n. car specially construct for taking part in competitions, such as races, hill climbs and rallies: Xe hơi đua.
component n.part which may be either a single piece, such as a brush, or an assembly such as a starter or a fuel pump: Thành phần, chi tiết

component sharing = the use of the same components (including major components such as engines) in different models and even in models from different manufacturers: Sự lắp lẫn chi tiết.

composite propeller shaft n. innovative, single-piece propeller shaft made of fibre-reinforced epoxy in which the fibres are usually glass and/ or carbon: Trục cánh quay bằng vật liệu composite.

compound carburettor n. carburettor with more than one choke (normally two-a small throttle openings and a larger one for large throttle openings), but for fitting to a single port: Bộ chế hòa khí kép (2 họng)

compound (centre) electrode n. electrode for a sparking plug with a copper core and a jacket of

a    nickel-based alloy: Điện cực trung tâm bằng hợp kim.

compound glass n. = laminated glass: Kính hạt lựu.
compound motor n. DC electric motor with two separate fields windings, one in parallel and the other in series with the armature circuit; used as a starter motor: Môtơ đấu hỗn hợp.

comprehension insurance n. insurance against most ricks, including third-party liability, fire, theft, and damage: Bảo hiểm toàn diện.

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Carma Erskine


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