Working principle 4 stroke engine
The roles of Engine
So the first necessary thing for an engine is to make explosion.
Three factors of explosion
Combustible material like fuel, oxygen and heat.
The balance of them is important.
If the balance is good, big explosion occur.
And if the balance is bad, explosion doesn’t occur.
Make explosion occur from these three factors, and get power.
how does an engine convert explosion power to mechanical energy?
From explosion power to mechanical power
How does an engine convert explosion power to mechanical energy?
A Piston is in a cylinder.
And cylinder head lids a cylinder.
There is a space made from cylinder, piston and cylinder head.
When the explosion occur in the space,
because cylinder head lids, cylinder head doesn’t move and piston is pushed down by explosion power.
Piston is connected with crankshaft by connecting rod, and crankshaft rotates by power piston pushed down.
The rotating power of crankshaft is as the power, and it becomes the power which makes machine work.
Converts The reciprocating motion that a piston receive explosion into rotating motion by connecting rod and crankshaft.
4 Stroke | Operating Principle
About the operating principle of diesel engine. There are four strokes.
4 Stroke: Intake, Compression, Power, Exhaust
The process to get three elements of explosion.
The most important matter on understanding engines.
About Operating principle of diesel engine
There are 4 strokes of intake stroke, compression stroke, power stroke and exhaust stroke.
This is the process to get three elements for explosion.
And the operating principle is the most important matter on understanding engine.
And the 4 strokes of intake, compression, power and exhaust is called 1 cycle.
To complete one cycle, piston moves 4 times, 4 strokes. And goes up 2 times and goes down 2 times in one cycle.
Intake Stroke
Tin tức nổi bật

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